Thursday, June 15, 2017

10 Things you Didn't know about me . . . (Part 4)

10) My name IS NOT Adele :o

Yup, Adele is not really my.... FIRST name. Adele is actually my middle name. My first name is a mystery to a lot of people. Here is the secret. My family has a tradition. If you give birth to a girl, the oldest one must have your name as her first name but can have an addressed name as her middle name. I am not kidding. This is how it has been going for 'literally' generations. 

I honestly thought that I was breaking this tradition by naming my daughter Allison Marie. Then to find out that my Great Great Grandmother was named Marie. Therefore, I just started the tradition over, which is okay with me. 

When I was growing up, Adele was a VERY difficult name to have. No one knew how to pronounce it when they read it on paper or knew how to spell it when I even told them how. 
This is normally what I got: Adel - Adell - Adelle - Odell (odell? really) 
So I just used my first name when the time called for it.

I have to say that Adele the singer has really assisted me with my name. Starbucks is easier but more difficult in its own way. Hearing "Oh my God! Like the singer"... 😐 Yes, like the singer. 
I can't blame them though, She is amazing. 

So there are the 10 Things you Didn't know about me...
*Do you have any questions?*
If you do, feel free to leave them in the comments and I will be sure to answer them. 


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