Wednesday, October 17, 2018

I am about to go Bridezilla?


     You have spent all of this time planning your BIG Day you're happy, excited & totally IN LOVE with what you have accomplished in this amount of time.

 Then this happens:

     "Hello, This is your photographer we would like to inform you that we are unable to make your wedding date. Please call us back"
 and this: 

     "Hello Miss Smith I am so sorry to let you know but we have scheduled a larger wedding and will not be able to cater your event"

and another:

     "I am just not going to be able to make it to your wedding, I'll send a gift though."


     As a Wedding Photographer, I have run into every story in the book. "My photographer canceled on me, please help!" - "Did you hear my caterer canceled on me for a larger wedding" - "Oh yeah, so, my own mother isn't going to be at my wedding because she has a birthday party to go to'. *All true Stories btw* 
     This can be very frustrating situations when planning your big day. But there is always light at the end of the tunnel. This blog is to help you keep your head on straight and offer you a few tips on keeping it together and fixing what has gone wrong, and fixing it FAST.