Saturday, June 8, 2019

Quinceanera for the Books

    2018 Mily's Mother contacted us to be a part of her daughters BIG day in 2019. We haven't been involved in a Quinceanera in a long time. It was Exciting. Being blessed enough to capture someone's daughter travel into womanhood in the presence of her closest family and friends is definitely one for the books.

What is a Quinceanera you ask?
        I'll explain...


  1. (in Latin America and among Latinos) a celebration of a girl's fifteenth birthday and her transition from childhood to adulthood, typically involving a mass followed by a party.
    Growing up in Southern California, Quinceanera's were a part of life as a Latin American. Normally in the United States, we hear about Sweet Sixteen parties. But if your Heritage is from a Latin Country every girl dreamed of having a Quince'. And every Father dreaded them.

    In history, 15 years old for a young girl is no longer a child but a woman and with a celebration, she will walk into the world as such.

    Just like a wedding, there are men and woman on each side of the birthday girl called: Damas & Chambelanes all dressed in formal attire. There is also a 'man of honor' who is by the birthday girls side throughout the process.

    Mass is first. There is a lot of history involving mass however, I won't get too much into that because the history has changed so much. Each family makes it their own based on their faith and country they originate from.

    After mass, the party begins. The Most important part of a Quince's after party is the 'change of shoes'. The father has the honors to change out normal everyday shoes to beautiful heels for the birthday girl to wear into the world. This signifies she is ready to be a woman. This is a very emotional time for the father, as he will soon be seeing his little girl married & with children of her own.

After the change of the shoes, the Party does a traditional choreographed Waltz as well as a special dance of their choosing throughout the night.

   There are so many Quinceanera traditions today it is really hard to keep track. But like I said before, This one was for the books. With Deep blues, whites & Silver, how could you be sad at this event? Although I have to admit I did hold back a tear or two during the night.

   Seeing such a beautiful young lady walk in a child and walk out a Woman is empowering & emotional. She is off to conquer the world now, and we wish her the best of luck.

Thank you to the family for letting us be part of this special day!
Good Luck in your Future Mily!

and as always, Thanks for reading.